The Loss of a Child

 My child of this Tabernacle, come and place yourself before me with the yes of your heart, I taste you and your love for me. I love you with the love of my heart that expands with you for within these depths all is expanded with the lifeblood of Jesus.

Eternity has been given us by the life and death of my Son. To be known at this depth is to know Jesus who has saved us. To know Jesus at this depth is to know He suffered much that we may have much.

To have watched my Son die for you and for me and for all of humanity was of the great pain of a mother who cannot bear to see her children die. To lose a child, is as you say,  "Life is not supposed to be this way for mother should die before her child."  And yet, Janine, it was this way. I watched my Son die for humanity. There are my children who have lost their children. The pain of motherhood with such a loss is very hard to bear. The pain of loss of a child is part of the pain carried by Jesus to the cross. 

Know this, Janine, the pain of loss of a child shall all be washed away when you see and hold Jesus in the New Earth and where you shall all of your children and their children and their children.