The Night Has Washed Away the "Clutter"

 Janine, my child, let go of your body with the breath that graces you with attendance to this Tabernacle. As you place your hands on this Tabernacle, take in what we have for we are mother and child and I come to you in this way that you may know how much you are loved and attended to. 

You are of the River of the I Am and all is made anew this day. Your dreams of last night have shown you the washing away of your yesterday where you needed to "throw out" all of the people making so much noise with a want to control your life. You also demanded that all the things that were cluttering your life be thrown out as well. 

You are lighter and freer today for in your night you gave up much in the way of the noise that was making you heavy.  You could not be lighter without throwing out the noise. Your night washed and cleansed much, my child.

You were not able to give your full attention to the woman within your dream (the woman was of those we witness to) because of the overwhelming noise. Janine, my child, see and taste the ways of the need to cast out that noise for it makes today lighter and you see clearer. Today shall be one of a clearer heart for it has been washed into its beauty once again. This is the way of the River of the I Am.