The Noise Shall One Day Give Itself Up
Janine, I am your mother and I know the ways of your heart. I welcome you here to this Tabernacle where we commune in the ways of mother and child with no matter the ways of the surface that ask you to make small what we have. The surface has no bearing on what we have for we have the grace of God's love here within these depths where the noise cannot be.
You are learning much from my heart and the heart of Jesus for we are one here within the River of the I Am. There have been the times when you question what we have. But, my child, you continue to come regardless of this noise. I understand the workings of the misguidedness upon the surface. I understand the ways of fear and confusion of the surface.
Because you attend to your soul each day, the noise cannot stick to you. Because you attend to your soul each day here at this Tabernacle, the noise cannot take you into its lair.
The noise has become unstable within the world for it has become as a growing balloon with nothing but air and in God's timing it shall blow itself up and give up its control where the love of the River of the I Am shall swallow up the air and overtake it. The New Earth shall be the result of the end of the noise for God's will shall be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.