The Touch of God's Safety

 Janine, my child, I welcome  you to this Tabernacle. As you draw near to me, I take you into my heart. We move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we are mother and child in the most holy of ways. Do not take this beautiful gift lightly.

Your sleep has now shown you the way of the word "Safe." As you lay yourself down to sleep, you are hearing the word safe from deep within your innards. Safe is not just a word, it is a state of being in peace with a knowing that peace and trust are far beyond the noise of man. You are cradled with the lullaby of safe as you fall into sleep.

You have found the way to the peace of Jesus. You have taken the walk into the solitude of your naked soul. Within this depth is the touch of "safe." It is a knowing that you need fear sleep no longer. 

You were once terrified of sleep for it gave the little one within you no rest. The little one was awakened in the many of nights to be used by those responsible for your care. Your sleep has always been burdened with worry. The hidden and unnamable worry has now been named. You have been touched by God's safety within your very depths. Let us dwell in this safe place deep within your being for what was worry has been turned into safe. Safe is now a peace that cannot be taken away for it shall follow you into Eternity.