To Grow And Expand Your Depths

 Janine, my child, come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am. Come, for you are in need of your mother. I hold you and fill you with my love that counters your woundedness with the balm of my heart. 

On the surface there appears to be two parts to you. The one part o surface holds pain and sorrow and woundedness where you feel much abandonment. 

Below the surface where we meet, you are of the part that knows me and my love and my nurture. You know me and come to me naked that I may know both the surface and the depths of you. 

It is of your human nature to be of both parts for the surface holds much in the ways of your wounds, The depths know these wounds are being treated with the balm of my heart and in God's timing shall be healed. 

It is of a need to attend to the pain on the surface for it moves with you through your day. Within the depths of your being you are still and take in the balm of my heart knowing that the surface and the depths shall meet again when you are able to walk through the dark night and into the Light of day once more. For now, my child, hold onto the knowing that you must walk the walk of the dark night to grow and expand your depths.