Am I My Brother's Keeper?

 Janine, my child, how warm is this moment for you have placed yourself before this Tabernacle that we may be one in the ways of mother and child. I feed you with my love and my nurture and my attention for I am your mother who asks only to love you.

You have asked of the ways of "my brother's keeper."  You ask if you are your brother's keeper.

To understand  this lesson you must come to know that you are keeper to no one for all souls belong to God. To be your brother's keeper conjures up ownership and no one soul can own another.

To be there for your brother as in the ways of the scriptures is to give of yourself and your love to those who are in need of love and attention and care. In this way you become a "keeper" of God's love for another and not an owner of another.

Ponder this great lesson, my child. To be your brother's keeper in the ways of God is to give of yourself to another in love and only love with no intent to control or own, but rather, with intent to give with no bindings or expectations of a return. In this way, yes, you are your brother's keeper.