In Gratitude We Walk in God's Name

 Janine, the beauty we have is before you as you enter this Tabernacle. Come and taste the love story we are building. Deep within the depths of the River of the I Am there is our story being written into the Book of Life.

When you are of the Earth we walk together. When you are of the mystical we commune together in an awareness that is beyond the earth.

Both the mystical and the earthly are of great beauty. We walk within the earthly together in what may appear to be unawareness at times, but, my child, it does not change the fact that we walk together in the beauty of mother and child. 

The learning and shaping of your childhood is being replaced each day by my heart and my showing you of the way of love and only love.

No one can take away what we have for God has made our union.  What God has deemed so is so. In gratitude we walk in His name.