Letting Go of the Doubting Thomas

Janine, my child, I welcome you here to this Tabernacle on this new day. Come and know your mother who loves and feeds and prepares you for the day ahead. Come and taste my love and the love of the River of the I am where tasting and a knowing meet in a balance that is of God.

Your yesterday showed you how much love flows between us and into the world. Your yesterday grew you in the ways of faith and trust. Your yesterday grew you in the ways of the balance between tasting and knowing.

Come and love and be loved. Come and taste what is here for you.  Give yourself to Jesus and me that we may taste your love. When you love to this depth you are freed to love and receive love and only love.

You have the markings of the River of the I Am where you give and receive love and only love.  To have this knowing and tasting that marks you is to have your being in a balance that is of God. The balance I speak of is the knowing within the mind of God and the tasting of God.  Balance is of God for it opens the soul to its roots where there is balance between the taste and knowing. To open to the knowing of your own soul opens the ways of taste for to taste is to let go of the doubting Thomas. Let those with ears to hear, hear.