Relationship is as the Mirror

 Janine, my child, you have awakened to me and you place yourself before this Tabernacle in the humbleness of body and spirit. Come and be loved and be prepared for the day.

Peace is with you within your very depths. You are learning of the joy of walking with me and with Jesus with no expectations or wants or desires. Rather, you are walking knowing that we are with you in each inch and moment.

You are awakened to the love that emanates from your depths for love is deep within your soul and wants for nothing other than relationship.

You see Jesus and me in the ways of those placed before us for relationship is as the mirror that gives back what it sees. The eyes of another show you what is not only on the surface but also what is deep. You see with the eyes of your heart and soul that now see the eyes and soul of others.

Beauty is within each child no matter what is on the surface. You are coming to see as Jesus and I see. Stay awake to the mirror that gives back what it receives. You see Jesus as Jesus truly is and that is the want to be in relationship with you and through you.