The Building of Solid Ground

 Janine, my child, I love you with a love that condemns never and builds always. I come to build and not tear down. I come to build you that you may know love and only love. I come to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where love builds and adds to the foundations of the River.

What seems to have been torn down within you was the opening and healing of the old wounds that they may give way to the ability to build. To open and make naked the old paved the way for love to seep into you and build the solid foundation that the scriptures speak of. 

As we flow in the beauty and gentleness of the River, take note of what is being built. What is peaceful and gentle and nurturing is building the solid rock of love and only love. Let those with ears to hear, hear for it is love that makes solid ground and not war.