The Truths Within Your Very Soul

 Come, Janine, and know how much you are loved and attended to. You come to me with the love of your heart and soul for you know that I am your mother who feeds you with the food of the River of the I Am. You come to me with the truths within your very soul. 

Your heart is free as the breeze that flows with no bindings. Your heart is free to be naked and opened to your core where Jesus and I abide. Jesus and I abide deep within your very heart and soul.

Janine, this Tabernacle is of our communion for when you enter here we commune and we open to the depths of your very soul where love and only love flows with a freedom that cannot be of the surface. The surface holds the noise. The noise keeps the truth of the soul from being known and tasted. 

There shall be the day when the noise controls the surface no more. In that timing all of man shall see the truths of their own soul.  The soul holds the truth that God has placed Himself within and gains each the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am that flows into forever. Let those with ears to hear, hear.