This Tabernacle is of You and Me

 Janine, my child, today is anew with the love and only love of our Father and Creator. Today is anew with the love of my heart and the love of Jesus who gave Himself to the world. Take in this love today.

We are mother and child with no matter the noise or the want of others to take away what we have. There are those who say I cannot be your mother and yet I am your mother. I am with you in all you do for we are of the grace of mother and child where our souls are combined forever.

God has placed you here with me at this Tabernacle where it moves with us everywhere we go. This Tabernacle is of you and me where we commune in prayer with Jesus and all of the River of the I Am.

You are fed here. You are loved here with no judgments or boundaries for your heart and soul are made clean and whole each day by the cleansing waters of the River of the I Am.

The River cleanses and prepares you for the day. My heart fills you with the love and only love needed to walk through the day with me and Jesus in love and only love. No man can take away what we have. No man can destroy the River of the I Am for the River flows in the promises of God and Eternity.