I have Carried You In All Your Pain

 Janine, my child, I taste your excitement to be here. I taste your love for me in all things and in all ways. I hear your call to me to attend to yours in a special way for yours bear a heavy burden.

I taste your tears. I see your garden made for me and I know it is for you and me and yours in this special way.

To have made this garden that we may share each day is to make known what we have. To make this garden for us is to have this holy space to remind you of what we have. I bless this holy space. I give this holy space my heart.  

You are known and I taste your love for me. It is I, your mother, who, by God's hand, have been able to carry you when your wounds could bear no more. I carried you when you could not open your heart to any more pain or love.

I carried you when you could walk no more for I am your mother who carries her children. I give you my love and commitment to you and yours. Trust in my love and the love of my womb, Jesus. Let this garden be a testament to this trust.