The Guilt That is No Longer Yours

 Janine, my child. come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and let the little one called Faith open you up to the truths of what you call guilt.

Your early morning tears were from the pain of a guilt that was placed upon you and not of real guilt from wrongdoing. Your worry and angst and tears rose up from a time when your were given blame as a young child that had nothing to do with you but much to do with those who placed the blame on you.

A child cannot be blamed for the wrongdoing of an adult.  It is of the wrongdoing of an adult and not the child to be blamed for an adult's personal sin.  It was the adult in your childhood who took his blame and placed it upon you. As a child, you had no ability to know this blame was not yours.

The little one called Faith felt this pain and showed you how much pain was involved in being blamed for the deep sin of an adult. To be shown such pain and shown that this blame is not yours is to learn to give back what is not yours. No need to know any more than this blame is not yours. This allows faith to be freed from a blame that has been perpetrated by the adult charged with  her care.

As the days move forward, know that you shall be freer and freer for to be freed from such a deep guilt is to be freer to dance and sing with Faith. Faith longs to dance and sing in the nakedness of the whole of you.