The Lesson of Timelessness

 Janine, my child, I open this Tabernacle  to you for you have placed yourself before this Tabernacle in the humbleness of your heart. I love you and I am always here when you wish to attend to this Tabernacle. The time of day is of no matter for the heavens do not flow in time. Our communion depends not on the time or day. You may come to me with no matter the timing of the outside world.

The lesson to take away today is the lesson of timelessness for God's timing moves with no boundaries to bind with the time of day. My love holds no timing for God has made it so. Take in this timelessness that allows us to flow in love and only love.

Take in what we have that offers no bindings of time. I shall always be at your call for I am your mother who hears your call in any time or place whether it be within the world or within the Heavens. You and I are forever. The space and place may change but what we have shall never change. Take in this timelessness for I give you view of forever. We flow in forever that emanates from the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am. 

When you are filled with the mystical of timelessness we shall move into the world to gather my children into my heart. Your fear of losing me is unfounded. Take in timelessness and allow the fear to take leave of you.