The Light is Before You

 Janine, my child, you have made this special time and space for us. As you enter this Tabernacle, take in the ways of your surroundings that make this a holy time. We commune In this holy space where we are flowing into the depths of the River of the I Am. By God's hand, I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am.

Today is anew with the dawning and with the light of my womb, our Savior, Jesus. Today is anew with love and only love. Today is anew with the gentleness and lightness of your heart and soul for your sleep has cleansed and made way for this new day. I prepare you for the day ahead of us.

We commune with Jesus who shows us the way into the Light. The way of darkness is behind you, my child. The Light is before you. The Light casts itself into the darkness that you may be anew today.

The Light of Jesus casts itself into the world. You and I walk to open hearts to the Light for it is man that closes the door to the Light and not Jesus. Wounds bear the brunt of pain that closes the heart. 

Let us walk with the Light knowing that it is Jesus who walks with us to open hearts to Him.