The Suffering True Self

 Janine, my child, you are my love, my child and my wonder for you carry the soul as designed by God. You carry the soul that has been opened to its design and is no longer hidden from view. My love for you is known and is written into the Book of Life. Come and rest in my love and my nurture and my attention.

Your true self, that is your deepest self, that is your soul suffers when it cannot be exposed. The soul was meant to be true to itself and naked that the world may see its beautiful design. To hide your design is to hide from the world that part that is true and carries the wholeness as designed by God.  

When hidden, the true self suffers and begs to be naked and whole. It is that part that nags at oneself when it cannot be made known and naked. The suffering self is always pushing to be known and naked for this is the way of your human body and human self. 

As you can see the hidden true self ignites war within for it must be seen and made whole. It causes angst within for it is as the urge to empty when you must empty. The suffering true self rises up and begs to be emptied of all the hiddenness that causes it to hide. The naked true self finds the peace as given to us by Jesus.  Let those with ears to hear, hear.