This Holy Space

 Janine, my child, come. This is our time. This is our space. Our communion is a gift of grace from our Father. We are graced to have my Son, who by His life and resurrection, has given us this time and place.

Today is not just another day. It is a day of love and only love. To be of the sacred witness today is to give another day to God. I am pleased and joyful that we have what we have. Take in the music of our souls that commune. Take in the beauty of this garden that we share. 

You have taken the time to make this space holy. We take the time to be mother and child within this holy space. Jesus is with us in this holy time and space. Taste His love that surrounds us and flows through us and then with us as we walk to witness to all placed before us.

The Sabbath is made holy here each day for we come together in prayer that enjoins all of the River of the I Am. Your ancestors commune with us. All  is made joyful within the River of the I Am for this sacred ground welcomes all of the yes today and each day.

Let us all pray as one on this new day. Let us be still now and take in this holy space. When it is time we shall take what we have back into the world to give what we have received from this holy space. Jesus and I are pleased. We bless this holy space in the name of our Father. As we become still, hear the soft voice of Jesus sing with us with the music of this holy space.