To Give to God What is God's

 Janine, my child, come and rejoice in the beauty and gentleness and comfort of my heart that flows with you and through you as we move into the depths of the River of the I Am. We commune with Jesus who is of my womb. We commune with those of the River of the I Am where all become one with Jesus.

I ask nothing from you for your yes speaks of your love for Jesus and me. Your yes holds much grace and power for it gives to God what is God's. The ways of the earth are the ways of the earth. To give to God what is God's is to know that the earth contains much noise that is counter to God. To give to God what is God's is to walk with me and Jesus in the knowing that God moves the mountains of the noise for us that we may touch hearts and souls with love and only love. 

Today is a day of beauty and joy within the earth for you know it is Jesus and me that you walk with where the two worlds are known and understood. To give to God what is God's is to embrace all that is before you where trust in God is paramount to the noise.