Where Peace Reigns

 Janine, my child, I welcome you here to this Tabernacle. Your hands hear me. Your heart tastes me and your soul opens to me that we may commune in the ways of mother and child. This is a new day and a new you for each day grows you when you attend to what we have and what we have with Jesus.

Your body needs comfort and the River of the I Am comforts in all places when your soul is opened and naked to take in my love and the love of Jesus who is the Lifeblood of the River of the I Am. Take in all that is before you in the physical and the mystical for this is what makes you whole. 

Take this time to prepare yourself and take in my nurture that we may walk into the world as one with Jesus. Take in the expansion of your heart that beats with the beat of the River of the I Am. Take in the mystical that takes you into the flow of the depths of the River of the I Am where there is no need for effort or a holding onto. The River takes us in the direction as designed by God where the New Earth is being established.

Janine, my child, take in the beauty of the garden before us. Take in the beauty of my nurture as it fills you. Take in the way of the flow of the River that is boundless. 

The mystical takes you away from the noise. The mystical takes away the need to stay within the boundaries of the Earth for the River flows beyond the boundaries of the Earth. The mystical flow of the River of the I Am takes us into its flow where peace reigns. What you take in now shall follow you into Eternity. Peace shall follow you into Heaven.