Your Naked Soul

 Janine, my child, I taste your joy. You come to me now with joy and no more trepidation that I will abandon. I taste your love for me as we take in the rose garden. I know your love for me and for Jesus and your yes.

Love such as this emanates from the depths of your very soul where the River of the I Am flows forth from. You taste my love. You have gained a knowing that comes from your exposed soul. Rather than fear being wounded, your soul now knows it is protected in its nakedness.

Fear stops my children from opening the door to the soul. You have emptied the deep wounds and you are now awakened to the truth of the naked soul.

The naked soul is reunited with its Creator. The naked soul finds the peace as promised by Jesus.

The naked soul walks in the Light of my Son. You taste Jesus as he carries all of your burdens. You taste my love for your soul knows its mother. Your naked soul is in love for it has found its birthright.