Excitement of Relationship with Another Soul

 Janine, my child, let go of yourself as you place your hands upon this Tabernacle. Come and know that we move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of our souls for God has designed us to be in relationship this way.

No need to judge our design. No need to make any human sense of it. Just take in with the humbleness and acceptance of how you have been designed.

It is not of matter to judge how others are designed for that is between each soul and its God. When you take in this lesson your learn that each soul is handcrafted and there is no need to judge. To witness is to lay down judgment. To witness is to listen to the soul and allow the soul to show you its design. 

We walk into the world to be of the sacred witness and not of judgment.  When we witness in this sacred way, the soul of another shows us how God has designed their soul and thus designed their being. 

This is why each day carries joy and excitement for to be honored to witness to the soul of another is to see God's love within each handcrafted soul.  God does not combine man into one category, but rather, creates each in a unique way where categories do not exist. When each soul is allowed to follow its design, the New Earth shall be established for each soul will be making its own choice to say yes or no.