God is God By All Names Given Him

 Janine, I call you by name. I speak  to you that you may know I am here and I open this Tabernacle for you. You hear me and taste me. The mystical within you has been opened and it allows me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune.

Janine, my child, you bear my name and you are precious in my sight. I know your love for me and your love for Jesus. I know your love that expands here and within the world. We flow with the expansion of your heart each day. You grow in the ways of the River of the I Am each day for nothing here stands still.

The world moves each day as well. The Earth does not stand still. The world moves on its course as you do now that you are expanding each day. This happens  by your attendance to  your soul.

There are those who move but do not expand for a closed heart stands still. Expansion of the heart and soul occurs when one opens with the yes or opens with the questioning to God.

My children open when they question something bigger than themselves for the heart opens in the questioning. Asking God if He is there makes an opening for a relationship with the Holy Spirit of the mystical body of Jesus whether or not  the name of Jesus is known. All roads within the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am lead to the same place with no matter the name used for God is God by all names given to Him.