One Child at a Time

 Janine, my child, I taste your love for me and your love for Jesus. Let us flow into the depths of the River of the I Am where we slow all that you may take in all. Allowing me to feed you and to attend to you draws grace upon us for we are mother and child before God.

I am graced to be your mother and you are graced to be my child. You open yourself to me that we may love and only love each other.

I give you the ways of my heart that you may come to know how much you are loved. Love as this has no end for it shall be forever. Today, Janine, I shall show you the love that holds no one in anger or contempt for love loves with no barriers or judgments. Even in the face of evil we love. Jesus loved in the face of those who crucified Him.

To love at this depth is to set aside judgments and allow Jesus to walk with us for His love and His love alone may turn cold and evil into love. We walk with Jesus that His Holy Spirit may enter those placed before us for His intense love heals one child at a time. We witness to the child before us one at a time. When we walk within the inch and moment we are awake to the one child at a time.