Speak from Your Soul and Not the Noisy Ego

 Janine, my child, I welcome you here to this Tabernacle on the day of my delight. I delight in your attendance to me and to our garden of roses. To be in relationship with me and with Jesus is to hear our voices from the depths of your very being where your soul abides and where your soul hears and takes in my heart. You speak to me from your soul and not the noisy ego.

Your mind can be in many places at once while your heart takes in only the inch and moment before you. The beauty of what we have rests in the heart and soul and not the ego mind. You hear me sans the noise when you enter this Tabernacle.

Take note of your heart that houses great peace right now. Take note of how beautiful the flowers of our garden are. Take note of the love that emanates from your soul for your soul takes in and receives love as well as sends love into the world for this is the way of the River of the I Am that gives and receives love and only love.