The Balm of Love and Only Love

 Janine, my child, it is that time in this new day where you come to me and attend to your soul. Your yes has made what we have so. Your design has made this so. My design has made this so. All roads here at this Tabernacle lead to Jesus and to our Father, our God

Love and only love hath no anger or fury, just love. Love and only love draws more love for love and only love can be of no other way. Today is anew with hope that flows through us and into the world for love and only love has great power to draw more love and only love.

Those placed before us are graced by our love and only love for love and only love makes our walk joined to the Holy Spirit of Jesus that cleanses and grows more love.

The closed heart is not closed out of choice, my child. Your heart and the hearts of my children do not close out of choice, but rather, by deep wounds placed upon them as children. The closed heart had no choice but to close to save itself from the wounds of man. Let those with ears to hear, hear for man will only be saved with the love and only love that opens the wounded heart where rage and fury are exposed and healed by the balm of love and only love.