The Breath of Jesus Flows Through Us

 Janine, my loving child, I am here and I pour my love into our communion where loves flows between us and through us. Our love is gentle and flows with the mystical body of Jesus that flows through all things. You cannot stop the mystical just as you cannot stop the air of your breath from flowing into you and then through you and back into the world.

The mystical is always here for us and always offers the peace of Jesus. Even those who know not of Jesus and His Holy Spirit still have the mystical flowing through them. 

The mystical is as the breath that must take in air and then let go of the air as it passes through and back into the world awaiting the next breath of air. Each breath must take in the air of the physical. Each breath also takes in the mystical even when it is not made aware of. 

Jesus is the Lifeblood of the River of the I Am. He breathes with us and through us. His Holy Spirit flows  through us for He is the breath of our life that breathes His air into us.  Jesus breathes His life into us and through us and into the world.  Let those with ears to hear, hear.