The Love of Play

 Janine, my child, I hear your heart and your love of play. I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where you are fed with the food of my heart and the heart of Jesus. 

Your love of play is the fruit of this Tabernacle and the fruit of the River of the I Am. Play is of the little one called Faith who has risen up inside of you now that she is no longer trapped in the dungeon of your painful childhood.

You are experiencing the child of the scriptures where Jesus speaks of the child and allowing the child to come to Him for you "must become as little children" to enter the Kingdom.

Jesus speaks to the letting go of the ego and becoming as a child who is opened and playful and without an ego to boast and act above God.  Your love of play and your love of the little on inside of you has found Jesus and has placed the ego in the rear view.

Come and play and take me and Jesus with you. You have the playful heart that takes in love and only love and leaves behind love and only love for the world to share. Know that Jesus shares your playful heart for it is opened to the truths of the Kingdom where the soul is humble and light and playful.