All is in Relationship with God

 Janine, my child, I welcome you here today. Let us be of the River of the I Am where we flow in its depths. We flow with Jesus and all of the River of the I Am. You are mine and I feed you with the ways of my heart.

You are never alone, Janine. You are faced with many choices each day and I show you your choices of yesterday that have grown you.

You allowed those placed before us to be opened and true to their design. You were seen and tasted as non judgmental and you took care to build rather than break down. This is how we walk in the ways of God's design for us. 

We walk to build and not break down. When one breaks down another with judgment or control, there is no growing, but rather diminishing occurs.

To build is to show God within the relationship. Relationship may be only in the "hello, or good morning." But know this, my child, it is a relationship that grows another for to be seen and recognized is to grow.

I show you the beauty of one who sees your eyes and one whom you see their eyes where love is shared, even for a spec of time. In the heavens a spec of time is all that is needed to grow another. Let us walk today in the awareness of love flowing from you into another and then back to you in relationship for all is in relationship with God.