Allow the Child Within to Write From the Heart

 Janine, my child, I am here and I make myself known as you place yourself before this Tabernacle. Take note of how your hands write my words that are formed through our communion. I am your mother and I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am. Come, my sweet child, and know the love of my heart and the Light of my womb.

In worldly ways there are many that say you cannot hear me through your hands. They are the doubting and they only see through the limited eyes of the world.

What we have surpasses the eyes and ears of the world. You hear me and my words that flow from my heart and into your heart and hands. 

There is no ability to do this without my heart for the words would not flow into your hands. Your hands are the gift that writes from my heart. 

You are graced with the design of hearing through your heart and soul that flows into your hands upon this Tabernacle. There are the many who sit and attempt to find words but cannot for they are not of the opened heart and soul. When the poet writes from the heart, the words flow.  When the child within each soul writes from the heart, the words flow. 

Man would do well to allow the child within their soul to write for the child within is closest to Jesus and hears the soft voice of Jesus.