In Stillness and Darkness Jesus Is
Good day, my child, come and even in the darkness of the night know the Light is here within the River of the I Am. Come and be seen and known for we are of the River of the I Am. I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am.
Janine, my child, what may seem dark carries the Light for all things of God carry His Light. Light is the life given by God. Dark is merely the need to trust that Light shines within all that cannot be seen and appears to be dark. Ponder this lesson of dark as the day is coming. Ponder the dark around you and see the Light of God in the darkness.
Your walk, in these last days, has been showing you the walk of trust for what appears dark carries the Light of God within it.
Close your eyes and see the Light that shines our way this day. In the stillness and darkness Jesus is. Let those with ears to hear, hear.