My Love Shall Sustain You In Our Walk

 Janine, my child, come and let go and allow me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we enjoy communion in the ways of mother and child. I am your mother and I hold you and feed you and attend to you in all parts.

Janine, I come to you that you may know how loved you are and how graced you are for you are mine and you are of God. Your soul is opened now and knows my heart.

It matters not the noise above us. It matters not what others may say or do for this time is for you and me. My words flow through your hands by God's design. Others may find their path to their soul by these words but it is not of your need to make matter of how my words may touch others for this is the work of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus walks with us and His Holy Spirit works to touch others. Do not make matter of what happens beyond this time other than to know that it is the Holy Spirit that works to touch others through our walk.

Today, all is needed is to write and to be filled as you write and to be still for in this stillness you become prepared for the day. You are filled with love and only love and it shall sustain you in our walk into the world. I feed you that you may know me. I feed you that you may be of the peace and joy of my womb for Jesus abides here.