The Bloodline of God

 Janine, it is a new day and I welcome you here at this Tabernacle that is of the River of the I Am. I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am. Come and be taken into my heart that loves with a love that is of my womb.

To be mother to you and to all of my children is to be graced by God. I have watched my Son die for you and I witness to His love that is beyond human comprehension. I open your heart to what is real and true. God's promise of forever has come through the life and death of my Son, Jesus.

Today is a marking of your  heart that holds my heart and shall be forever. You are mine by God's hand and your yes has opened the door to the awareness of my heart. You have opened to the relationship with my Son.

As you see yours today, my child, I see mine. Your heart is filled with love and only love for yours. Yours is expanding for the bloodline is expanding. This is the bloodline of God and it takes in all of humanity. You are learning that the bloodline of man takes in all of man. You love mine as I love mine and that is all of man. Inch by inch and moment by moment the bloodline of God expands.