A Humble Heart Sees Its Own Shadow.

 Janine, my child, come and let our souls commune here within this Tabernacle. Let us flow deep within the depths of the River of the I Am where my love washes clean your whole for these waters hold the cleansing bath of the lifeblood of Jesus. Come and enjoy the clean and cleansing waters of the River. Come and be of the peace that flows deep within your veins on this new day.

Janine, deep within your veins, your soul knows the whole and knows how Jesus carries us in all things. Your soul knows the ways of the noise that attempts to cause you and my children to act in defiance of their own soul. 

When one's ego part wishes to win or gossip or denigrate another or speak in self righteousness, it is acting in defiance of its own soul for the soul knows its ego. The ego makes itself hidden from the soul but the soul knows and holds it until the ego can be shown its sinfulness. 

To become humble is to seek to make the ego known for the ego cannot bear humbleness. The ego may pretend to be humble but only a true humble heart can see its own shadow. Let those with ears to hear, hear.