Be Still and Take in Jesus

 Janine, my child, come and know the holding and gentleness of the River of the I Am where we are held in the lifeblood of Jesus where peace lives. Come, my dearest child, and know your mother who holds you and breathes with you and through you that we may enjoy the mystical ways of the River of the I Am. 

Let us take this time and space to be quiet and enjoy the peace of this garden of God's love for us. Taste what we have on this new day that awakens you to this Tabernacle.

Take in this nurture that fills you to overflowing where the overflow touches those placed before us. We are not alone when we touch others.  We are with Jesus who touches souls with us and through us.

Take note of your heart as it beats with the heartbeat of my heart and the heart of the River of the I Am. It is here that Jesus abides. Be still now and take in what we have. Be still and take in Jesus in the silence of your heart.