Death Makes You All the More Whole

 Today, my child, you come to me and make holy this day for your attendance to this Tabernacle makes holy what we have. No need for expectations or wants for we are mother and child in a communion made possible by the life and death of Jesus.

We are mother and child. I feed you with the food of my womb. I hold you within the lifeblood of the River of the I Am that is the lifeblood of Jesus. We flow with Jesus who takes us and carries us for our yes makes it so.

Our yes is the yes to be of our design and to allow our design to  unfold in the ways of love and only love. No need to deny yourself the walk of the human. Rather, we walk within the world as well as the mystical for this is of your human design.

To shed the body one day does not mean the end. Rather, it means the transfer to another form that relinquishes the body for the choice must be made to choose or not choose Jesus sans the body where the naked truth of Jesus lies. 

The ultimate trust is to trust that you shall me made all the more whole when you shed your human body. Death makes you all the more whole. Let those with ears to hear, hear.