Jesus Makes Calm while the Noise Makes Noise

 Janine, I welcome you to this Tabernacle. Come and rest with me as we commune in the ways of mother and child. Take note of how your hands become part of your depths where your soul hears and speaks with me and with Jesus. To be of this depth is to take in my words and my love. My words touch you within your depths and not just your mind.

The noise cannot make noise here. The noise cannot be a part of what we have for we are within the depths of the River of the I Am where God abides and not the noise.

To be of this depth is to take in the grace of God with all of its beauty, peace and joy. We share this special time and space in a special way for the noise cannot show itself here. 

The noise shows itself as one that clangs and bangs on your door expecting you to open because its noise is loud and carries with it mistrust, self righteousness, war and hate. The noise believes the louder it gets the more it will convince you to open to its ideas that run counter to God's love and only love. 

The noise makes noise while the Spirit of Jesus makes calm and peaceful your innards. Peace comes from deep within while the noise shows itself in the without. Let those with ears to hear, hear.