Let God Do the Driving

 Janine, my child, come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am for the anew is here. Come and be awakened to what we have. Come and allow us to commune where you take in my words and write them for me.

To see the old and know it is the old and allow it to show you that it is old is to become whole. The old parts come to show that which has been hidden within you for many years and where this hiddenness caused you to  be separated from the whole. These separated parts show you the wounds that bound you in hiddenness. 

To seek God in this moment allows God's will to be done for it is by God's grace that the old rises up and shows itself. Therefore, my child, do not see this rising as wrong or bad. Rather, see this rising as God sees it where the parts that forced you into hiding are now becoming part of the whole that sees God as God truly is and that is love and only love where His design is to make you whole.

To become whole is to allow God to do the driving and allow God to open you in His timing. Let those with ears to hear, hear.