My Words May Touch the Souls of Others

 Janine, my child, come, and as you let go of your entire being, take note of how I hold you in the gentleness of the River of the I Am. As we move into the depths of the River within your depths, take note of the way Jesus flows with us and through us for all of the River flows with the lifeblood of Jesus.

Today, my child, you place yourself before me and before this Tabernacle that we may be mother and child in the holding of the River of the I Am where we commune. Take note of your hands as they write my words. Take note of how you take in my words that flow forth from your hands.

Love is within my words that give life and depth and breath to your hands. Love is within our communion that is with Jesus who is love and only love. Words are an attempt to show what we have. But words alone cannot describe what we have for we have the touch of the mystical that touches with no words, but rather, touches with the touch of Jesus. Jesus touches the soul with His love and peace that cannot be given justice with words alone.

My words are given you with the hope that they will ignite others to see their depths where Jesus and I and all of the River of the I Am abide. Words may lead the soul to feel the touch of Jesus. My words may touch the souls of others that others may see Jesus.