The Making of Bread

 Janine, my child, come and know that your effort pleases me and Jesus and all of the River of the I Am. Your prayers are our prayers for you seek to be of God's will in all things. Your effort is known and makes joy. 

God is as the making and baking of bread. You make your bread with effort and patience. You gather the ingredients and knead the dough in the knowing that the bread shall rise with leavening and effort and patience and trust. Such is the way of God's love for us. He makes much grace and effort and patience to grow us in the ways of His love for us. 

God is patient, very patient for He knows our humanity.  God calls out His Holy Spirit to grow us in the ways of love and only love that we may rise above all and become the bread that loves and feeds as He loves and feeds.

It is in our design to make effort to love ourselves and in so doing love others that humanity may grow in love and patience and trust. God is within us. He has placed within us the leavening to grow us and others.  Let those with ears to hear, hear.