Be in Relationship with Jesus Where Blindness cannot Be

 Janine, my child, come and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. Come and I shall shower you with my love and the ways of my heart that loves with no boundaries or judgments. Jesus is here with us for we gather in his name.

Your dream showed you the dangers of following others in blindness for others have judgments and misguidedness from the generations. Man has been misguided from the time of Adam and Eve.

To follow another in blindness or allow another to ask you to follow is of folly for another cannot open your soul  without the aid of Jesus. To follow another in a blindness that thinks another knows what is best for you is folly. You must come to see that even Jesus does not ask you to follow in blindness. 

To open your soul is to open to Jesus. To follow another in blindness is of danger. To open and become still is to know Jesus who asks not to follow, but rather, be in relationship where Jesus walks with you in all of your choices and you walk with Jesus in a relationship that grows you in the ways of the River of the I Am.

Janine, my child, ponder your dream today for it shall show you the beauty of being in relationship with Jesus rather than following in blindness. To follow in blindness is to take all the man made rules and apply them to Jesus. Jesus shows you the way out of generational blindness and into the Light of His love for His love never demands, but rather, asks to be in relationship. Blindness sees not the true Jesus for it is not open to being still and listening to the soft voice of Jesus. 

You attest to the truth and the way for you hear and speak to Jesus. This only takes a commitment to being still where the soul may open and hear and speak with Jesus.