God Wishes You to be Free to Choose

 Janine, I welcome you here to this Tabernacle. Let us take this moment to take in the preciousness of what we have. You can come to me at any time and be with me. This Tabernacle awaits you always for it is always open to our love for each other.

Do not make matter of the word need for you need never come from a place of "must"  that you may fulfill a law made by you or any man. Rather, come out of love and the want to be with me.

Man makes such rules as "must do or must be" to make rigid what God intends to be anything but rigid. When you come to a place of any "must" know that it is not of my heart nor the heart of Jesus nor a rule of God.

God wants not slaves. God does not want you or others to feel you must  follow rigid rules to earn a place in Heaven. Heaven is the kingdom within and it is a place of choice and not laws that must be followed. God wishes you to be free to choose. God wishes you to come to Him to be loved and not controlled with  "musts."