Intimacy with Jesus Arises from Your Soul

 Janine, my child, you are mine and I walk with you in all things. I walk with you and show you the way to trust and having faith in Jesus who is our Salvation and our Lifeblood for we are of God. 

Come, on this new day, and allow yourself to be taken into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with Jesus. Feel the Living Waters of the River that flow with us and through us. Taste the Living Waters that nurture you and prepare you for the day. 

Today is anew with the gentleness and love of Jesus who shows us the way. We walk into the world to attest to Jesus. You attest to being in relationship with Jesus.

As you hear His soft voice, you shall know Him in ways that are not of the teaching of the world for Jesus is within each soul where no man enters. Jesus is deep within where relationship is intimate and personal and deep. It is deep because you attend to your soul each day.

To attend to your soul is to listen and hear Jesus where Jesus hears and listens to you.

The Kingdom is not a one way journey, my child. The Kingdom flows forth from the River in both the directions of intimacy where one is heard and hears from the depths of the soul.