The Humiliations of Childhood

 Janine, my child, you come to me to attend to your heart and soul and I am pleased that we may flow into the depths of the River of the I Am and commune. I am your mother who awaits you here at this Tabernacle that we may have what we have. Jesus awaits you here where we become three for we gather in His name.

Your dream showed you the ways of your childhood where your apologies and begging to be forgiven were not accepted. You yearned to be heard and to be forgiven for the mistakes of a child. Your dream showed you the pain of not being forgiven and the adult in your dream showed you the mistakes were that of a child. The face of the man with no ability to forgive was the combined face of those responsible for your care.

You saw the pain of a child who ran away deep inside herself and searched for many years to find someone to understand and forgive. Today, Janine, you see more clearly that which a child had to bury to survive from such indignities.  The sins were not yours Janine. Rather, they were the sins of those responsible for your care. You were taught that you could not be forgiven and even Jesus would not forgive you. 

Today, my child, I hold you and show you the love and understanding of my motherly heart and the love and understanding of Jesus who is in relationship with you. Today, you know that there was no sin to be forgiven on your part. Let us pray the prayer of gratitude for your dream has come to free you from such humiliations.