All Shall Come to Know Their Mother

 Janine, I welcome you here to this Tabernacle at any time of the day or night. Come and know that in this new morning, I am here to welcome you to what we have. Take in the love of my heart that loves you with no expectations of giving to me for I am your mother who seeks only to feed you that you may be nourished. I feed you that you may be what you have been designed to be.

I have come into your life to hold you, nurture you and show you the way of your own soul where Jesus and God abide. I have come to hold you in the gentleness and joy and peace of the River of the I Am that flows into the New Earth.

I have come to you from the very beginning even when you knew not my name or my heart. I held you when you were in danger from those who attempted to damage your very soul. They could not harm you in your depths for God has made it so. 

What I do and have done for you I come to do for your brothers and sisters. I pray with you. I walk with you. I hold yours with you. I cry with you and you cry with me for those who do not have what we have.

Know this, my child, all shall have the opportunity to know me in the next world if not in this. All shall come to know their mother.