Motherhood is Intricately Attached to Jesus

 Janine, my child, I am your mother and I give of myself freely that you may become all the more and more of my heart. I give myself to you that you may be fed with the food of the River of the I Am. I give myself freely to you that you may love Jesus as much as I do. I love that you may taste the love of our Savior, my Son and the Light of the World.

Make no mistake, my child, Jesus can be known to all of my children for Jesus is known within each soul. Yes, the soul is initially buried for the soul must be protected from the misguidedness of the generations. Yes, the soul must be nurtured to open. I walk with you each day that you may be filled that you may fill.

Your yesterday showed you the heart of a child we witnessed to and this child felt loved and attended to with no need for self aggrandizement or judgment on your part. To be of the sacred witness with me graces us to be mother to those in need of motherhood. 

My children come to know Jesus and to open themselves in the atmosphere of motherhood where there are loving feedings that build and nurture. The soul, when fed this way,  may open and taste itself for the soul is intertwined with its God. 

I show you the ways of opening hearts for we walk with Jesus who is the One who speaks to the souls of all with the language of love and only love that emanates from our Father and God. I taste your love for those we walk with, my child. This kind of love is of your soul and your design for there is now the maturity to see and taste the joy of motherhood. Motherhood is intricately attached to Jesus.