Our Souls Are in Relationship with Jesus

 Janine, my child, I take you into my heart as you place yourself before me. I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. I join you in communion with Jesus.

I remind you of hearing the soft voice of Jesus as you awakened on this new day. Jesus spoke to you of walking with you in all of your choices. Jesus asked only that you take Him with you in relationship in all of your choices.

Janine, my child, each day you are given and shown many choices. Jesus shows you the way in each choice that you make for He walks in relationship with you. There is pure joy in the giving to Jesus your attention and love and also pure love in receiving the attention of Jesus.

Love loves to give. Love loves to receive. Love loves the joy in relationship with Jesus. To be of this depth with Jesus is to know how to listen that you may hear Him and know that Jesus hears your heart and soul where relationship with Jesus abides. 

Let us be still now and hear Jesus. Let us commune in the relationship of our souls.