The Sacred Witness Gives and Receives in Great Measure

 Janine, my child, I am here to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where you open to the mystical body of Jesus who is the Lifeblood of the River of the I Am. Your breath moves you into the mystical where it slows and takes in the love, peace and joy of the River of the I Am that abides deep within your soul.

You are of the body. Know this, Janine, you are able to become of the mystical for your soul is opened to it. Your soul is that which shall be with you into Eternity for it has been designed and created by God. God has handcrafted you in His image and likeness that you may know Him and have Eternity with Him in the body of Jesus. 

Take in the breath of the River and take note of how it feels and tastes to be at this depth. You are opened and naked to your soul where Jesus speaks to you. The joy of being in relationship with Jesus is within your countenance where it shines into the world and into those we witness to. 

When you are filled we shall move into the world to witness to my children that are placed before us. To be of the sacred witness is to give of time and the ear of the heart that others may receive love and only love. To give love and only love gives back to us for witnessing comes back to us n the form of joy and peace and love. To be of the sacred witness is to give love and receive love. The soul that opens to God receives the love as designed by God.  This love comes back to you in great measure. To give at this depth is to receive love in great measure.