We Walk to Build and Not Destroy

 Janine, my child, I am here and I am with you within your very depths for the River of the I  Am runs through your soul. I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am by the hands of God. I have said yes in the humbleness of my heart. You have said yes in the humbleness of your heart.

Come and I shall fill you with my nurture. Come and be with Jesus and me where we commune as one. The noise cannot grip or be known here.

As each new day rises you come to this Tabernacle to be filled and held within the gentleness of my heart. Janine, I do not chastise. I fill. I do not tear down. I build. 

Jesus builds. He shows us the way for it is by loving with no judgments that one builds. You cannot feign building for the heart and soul knows if you are sincere or not. To use words of building all the while making judgments within yourself is of the hypocrite.

The hypocrite uses just words. The sacred witness is known to the heart and soul of self and others. The sacred witness builds with the ways of listening with no judgments. To witness to self and others is of the heart and soul and not just of words. 

The foundations of love and only love of those we walk with are being built with the love of Jesus. The soul knows the hypocrite. The soul knows God. We walk to open the soul of another where the love and only love of Jesus builds upon the solid ground within the River of the I Am making much foundation to enter into Eternity with.