You take Your solid Ground with You Into Eternity

 Janine, my child, take in the breeze that attends to us as we descend into the depths of the River of the I Am. Take in the gentle Spirit of Jesus that is with us. It is the Holy Spirit of Jesus that flows with us and through us.

Today finds you with the excitement of love and joy and dance. You find joy in loving yours. You find joy in receiving love from yours. You find joy in arising on this new day.

Joy rises up from your deepest parts. Joy is in your relationship with Jesus. As you give and receive, you learn more and more of Jesus. 

You grow your joy with each new day. The beauty of what you grow here shall follow you into Eternity. Each day you grow more solid ground that shall see you into Eternity. What you grow here cannot be taken away for you cannot un-see or un-tatse what you have seen and tasted.